Rambha reunites with her family in Banka Bihar

The story of Rambha is quite heart wrenching and unfortunate.

A lady from a well to do family from district Banka in Bihar, Rambha found herself at the wrong end of the destitution. Living with her husband and three children she began to have psychiatric issues. All efforts in her treatment did not yield much result.

One fine day Rambha went missing from home and the whole family became very distraught. Missing complaint was lodged by the family and her husband and her family members searched for her in Bhagalpur, Patna, and Delhi and at their relative’s places.

To top it all, her father a policeman, suspected her husband of murdering her and lodged an FIR. The police made life of her husband miserable and he had to sell his land and house to defend himself and in paying gratifications. The only means of survival for the family a three wheeler that her husband drove to feed his children was almost on the chopping block, when he got a call from NGO SAPNA in Alwar about his wife. His joys knew no bounds. He rushed to the centre that very day.

What transpired about her disappearance is a story of her misery on leaving home. Rambha wandered from home and got into a train that took her to Delhi. After wandering around for a few days she caught another train and found herself in Alwar. Distraught, helpless and hungry she walked the streets of Alwar when a good samritan Praveen Mathur found her on the road. He took her to the nearest dhaba, gave her food and clothes and began to call police and Ngo. He called Ms Pinki, head of Mahila Suraksha Evam Salah Kendra of Sapna at night. Pinki went in the night personally and brought Rambha to Vijay Mandir centre late in the night.

Rambha was very disturbed, agitated and at times physical when anyone touched her. The first night was real tough for Sapna worker and her too. All efforts to get close to her or help her was met with shouts and insults. Next day she was shown to doctor in the Psychiatric care of Alwar Government Hospital and treatment began in all earnest. It took almost two and half months for her to get normal. To everyone’s surprise she was a highly qualified lady with Bachelor and Master Degrees and was fluent both in Hindi and English.
When her husband arrived, it was a sight to behold of their meeting. Both wept and wept that brought tears to even hardened hearts. She was restituted with her husband with dignity. Another life was restored another women empowered. An un-paralleled reward indeed.