Rescue & Rehabilitation of Smt Sheela Chawla

SAPNA NGO along with many other NGOs’ received emails from Mr Arvind Batra,
neighbour of Smt Sheel Chawla, residing in Flat No. – 1179, Pocket – C (L&T),
Loknayakpuram, Bakkarwala, Mundka, New Delhi – 110041.

As per Mr Arvind Batra, SAPNA was the only one to respond to his mail. The team
from SAPNA went to her house on 26 Sept 2012 & was told these heart wrenching
facts by her other neighbours – Mr & Mrs Anand K Parikh & Mr & Mrs Bisht.
Smt Sheela Chawla’s son Ashok Kumar had locked her up in the rented apartment
in Loknayakpuram and vanished for nearly 15 days without informing anyone. She
had already lost her husband & daughter a few years ago & there was no other
support system. Fortunately for her, she had wonderful neighbours.

When Mr & Mrs Anand K Parikh found a foul smell emitting from the house, he
informed the local police thana. She was discovered in sub-human conditions
covered in her own excreta & urine, since her leg was fractured and was unable to
move. She had developed bed sores as well.

The police decided to hand over Smt Sheela Chawla in the care of Mr & Mrs
Anand K Parikh, Mr & Mrs Bisht & Mr Arvind Batra, since her son was still

With few resources at hand, they managed to get her admitted in a local hospital
since her platelet count had gone down to 65,000. After Smt Sheela Chawla’s
discharge from hospital, the excellent & dedicated care by her neighbours helped
her in regaining her health a little. But after taking care of her for nearly 2 months
plus her hospital bills, they were not in a position to take care of her any longer &
that’s when Mr Arvind Batra decided to contact various ngos’

The SAPNA team arranged for her rehabilitation at Tau Devi Lal Huda Old Age
Home, Sector 4, Gurgaon which is run by missionaries whose motto is -“ We
welcome everyone”