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Appreciation by Fellow NGO

Safdarjung hospital through its social welfare department & Sapna NGO sent one unknown patient to Manav Janhit Kalyan Sansthan which was wholeheartedly appreciated by Mr. Kishan Chandra, Director of Manav Janhit Kalyan Sansthan. Helping others is not only good for oneself and a good thing to do, it also makes us happier and healthier too. Giving also connects us to…

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Annual Day Celebration, 20th December 2015

The program was ushered by Saraswati Vandana sung by our tiny tots with Niranjan Chandrul. The tiny tots of SAPNA sung some rhymes and showed some activity like making of lemon Juice, identifying of Shapes, Counting and other skills learnt by the students. This was followed by the thread painting and leaf painting. Read more

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Eye Camp at Khor Basai, 22th January 2016

The lack of access to specialized medical supervision and treatment has led to a prevalence of blindness amongst the elderly poor people. SAPNA has embarked on an ambitious Outreach Health Program (OHP), wherein it aspires to provide health cover to the poor and needy in Alwar district, Rajasthan. Read more

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